Website Development

I’ll help you or your business, agency, organization or what have you setup your web accounts, design a WordPress website, develop & maintain your website and input content for you. If you prefer to maintain the site yourself, I can get you set up and train you to post your content yourself. Any or all of these services at one price, just $40.00 per hour.

If you are interested in using my help, please email me at or text 775/343-8436. If you are local, I’ll come see you and we’ll talk about what you need done and see if we are a good fit. I love to work with non-profits, but you can see by my clientele below that I work with many different genres.

If you are interested in posting videos of your content on your website, I can help you there as well. I partner with We Shoot Video from WSV digital Media Services to create video commercials to upload to your website, YouTube and other social networks such as FaceBook or Twitter. We have had videos on local television and in the local theaters.

Here are some links to websites I have created: I am working on a gallery so you can see all of the screenshots in one spot. Also, you can see examples on my FB page @TheOracleOnline

Current Clients: – This site was just completed.  The client wanted to start small with just a few pages but we added the images and descriptions in such a ways that when he is ready, we can expand on the site and add more information.

Positively Financial – Financial Coaching site that is under construction. Have not completed authoring the content yet. This is a fun parallax site. IT scrolls differently than older sites. – Undercover is a compelling story of hope and recovery, and a must-read for anyone who has been touched by addiction-especially those who work in the field of substance abuse. Ms. Belew’s many years of first-hand experience in the field as an addiction counselor, clinical director and crisis intervention specialist come through in startling contrast. Her characters are instantly recognizable as real people caught up in a world of drugs, sex, pleasure, and dreams that turn into nightmares. This site was created for NV DCFS and is part of the Foster and Adoption recruitment department. This is a WordPress Site. One of my favorites!

Community Counseling Center This was done in standard HTML & CSS originally, but we recreated it in WordPress for more stability and it looks awesome!

We Shoot Video is my sister site. Please check it out if you need video work done.

Educating Foster Youth is a website created for Sierra Association of Foster Families’s Tutoring Program.

Keith Alan Barnett is a local Carson City area musician. This is his solo performance site. This is still underdevelopment. He is working on an album and sales will be provided through this site when the tracks are completed.  MiXed Company is his full band. I also maintain the FB and Twitter pages for both.

Nevada Ugly is a Drinking Establishment in Minden. Doc and Mama Ugly are my very dear friends as well.

And of course, this site as well.

Former Projects, these are site that I created but for various reasons are no longer in use:

Your Voice Matters CC (Screencap only) was created for Maurice White for Carson City Supervisor Ward 2 campaign. I also did several graphics, created a video on partnership with WSV digital Media Services, and managed the FaceBook and Twitter pages for this campaign. (No Child Left Behind) was an organization that specializes in behavioral and mental health issue in children. No longer in operation. Screencap only.

CAMP Services (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Psychiatric Services) is an organization that specializes in behavioral and mental health issue in teens. This agency has closed. Screencap only.

The Children’s Museum of Northern Nevada – Very fun WordPress template used with some modification. This is an archived version of the site. The management has been transferred to another provider.

Enjoy Looking at Yourself click here to see a screencap, the client was a struggling artist and funding was difficult to come by, so the site is now down. The logo is mine as well on this one.

Partnership Carson City This was done in Dreamweaver. (Image only, not in service any longer)


Here’s a Homepage that I started to create for a local dentist, but he decided to go in another direction so the template is up for grabs if anyone is interested.  If you have an idea for your website design, give me a hollar 775/343-8436 and we’ll work together to make a specific design for you.


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